HackVerse 3.0 - Special Prizes
Cody, on their space adventure, came across some amazing contests happening on other planets. The residents of the planets were intrigued by the idea of humans coming together and participating in HackVerse 3.0. Every planet decided to come up with tracks for all those participating and put up some really special prizes. Read along to find out more about the prizes, submission guidelines and judging criteria of each planet.
Planet ‘Celo’
Prizes up for grabs:
- ₹20,000 for best Dapp built on Celo
- Continuity Support
Submission Guidelines:
- Submit the GitHub link of your publicly visible source code of the hack on Devfolio. Submissions with broken links will be marked ineligible for prizes.
- There must be clear description about the working of the hack in the README file. If the hack is live and can be tested, add the relevant links to that in the README file as well.
- Create a short video demo of the hack and upload to YouTube or any video sharing site. Make sure that the person watching the video is fully able to understand what the project does and what its functionalities are. Share the link on your Devfolio Submission.
- Make sure you’ve mentioned Celo in the Technologies Used section and selected the appropriate track while submitting the project.
Judging Criteria:
The judging will be done by the Celo team based on submissions on Devfolio, post the hackathon. Awarding the prize will be at the Celo team’s discretion and subject to the hacks meeting a minimum bar of quality. Prizes will be announced and disbursed within a couple of days after the hackathon.
Learn more about the Celo Track Prize here. Sample projects built using the Celo protocol can be found here.
Planet ‘Polygon’
Prizes up for grabs:
- ₹10,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum, or
- ₹15,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum + Polygon,
- Eligibility to apply for internship/full-time roles and seed funding of up to 5,000 USD for winners!
Submission Guidelines:
- Submit the GitHub link of your publicly visible source code of the hack on Devfolio. Submissions with broken links will be marked ineligible for prizes.
- There must be clear description about the working of the hack in the README file. If the hack is live and can be tested, add the relevant links to that in the README file as well.
- Create a short video demo of the hack and upload to YouTube or any video sharing site. Make sure that the person watching the video is fully able to understand what the bot does and what its functionalities are. Share the link on your Devfolio Submission.
- Make sure you’ve mentioned Polygon in the Technologies Used section and selected the appropriate track while submitting the project.
Judging Criteria:
The judging will be done by the Polygon team on basis of submissions based on Devfolio, post the hackathon. Awarding the prize will be at the discretion of the Polygon team and subject to the hacks meeting a minimum bar of quality. Prizes will be announced and disbursed within a couple of days after the hackathon. Amount will be paid out in stablecoin in case of recipient not having an Indian bank account. Learn more about the Polygon Track Prize here. Sample projects using the Polygon Defi Ecosystem can be found here.
Planet ‘Tezos’
Prizes up for grabs:
- ₹20,000 for best Dapp built on Tezos
- Continuity grant opportunity up to $5,000 for outstanding projects
Submission Guidelines:
- A submission with a working demo that demonstrates use of Tezos in some form or the other can defined as valid.
- Submit the GitHub link of your publicly visible source code of the hack on Devfolio. Broken links will disqualify the project from the judging process.
- There must be a clear description of the working of the hack in the README file. If the hack is live and can be tested, add the relevant links to that in the README file too.
- Create a short video demo of the hack and upload to YouTube or any video sharing site. Make sure that the person watching the video is fully able to understand what the bot does and what its functionalities are. Share the link on your Devfolio submission.
- Make sure you’ve mentioned Tezos in the Technologies Used section and selected the appropriate track while submitting the project.
The judging will be done by the Tezos team based on submissions on Devfolio, post the hackathon. Awarding the prize will be at the Tezos India team’s discretion and subject to the hacks meeting a minimum bar of quality. Prizes will be announced and disbursed within a couple of weeks after the hackathon.
Learn more about the Tezos Track Prize here. Sample projects using the Tezos blockchain can be found here.
Planet ‘Filecoin’
Prizes up for grabs:
- ₹20000 for best use of IPFS and/or Filecoin
Submission Guidelines:
- A submission with a working demo that demonstrates the use of IPFS and/or Filecoin in some form or the other can be defined as valid.
- Submit the GitHub link of your publicly visible source code of the hack on Devfolio. Broken links will disqualify the project from the judging process.
- There must be a clear description of the working of the hack in the README file. If the hack is live and can be tested, add the relevant links to that in the README file too.
- Create a short video demo on Devfolio itself while making the submission. Make sure that the person watching the video is fully able to understand what the bot does and what its functionalities are.
- Make sure you’ve mentioned IPFS and/or Filecoin in the Technologies Used section and selected the appropriate track while submitting the project.
The judging will be done by the Protocol Labs team based on submissions on Devfolio, post the hackathon. Awarding the prize will be at the Protocol Labs team’s discretion and subject to the hacks meeting a minimum bar of quality. Prizes will be announced and disbursed within a couple of days after the hackathon. Learn more about the Filecoin Track Prize here. IPFS and Filecoin based projects can be found here and here respectively.
Planet ‘Alan AI’
Prizes up for grabs:
- ₹6000 for best integration of Alan AI. Hack must be live and voice command responsive.
Submission Guidelines:
For the Alan AI track, participants have to integrate Alan AI in their existing project in the hackathon. We have just 3 guidelines regarding the track prize including-
- To qualify as eligible integration, UI must be responsive to voice commands.
- Project must use the Alan AI Slots method in the project.
- The project should be live.
Planet ‘Rosenfeld’
Prizes up for grabs:
- Ebooks for Podium Winners.
Planet ‘Bpb’
Prizes up for grabs:
- Ebooks of Python for Professionals, Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Neural Network for Beginners for Track winners
Planet ‘GeeksforGeeks’
Prizes up for grabs:
Winning Team (Any one of the listed options will be offered):
- C++ST-Self-Paced Course worth Rs.3,000
- OS DBMS CN for SDE Interview Preparation worth Rs.3,000
- Data Structures and Algorithm Foundation-Self Paced worth Rs.3,500
1st Runner Up Team (Any one of the listed options will be offered):
- Fundamentals of Java and Java collections worth Rs. 2500
- DSA Using Python Programming-Self Paced worth Rs. 2500
- Android Development for Beginners-Self Paced worth Rs.2500
2nd runner Up Team (Any one of the listed options will be offered):
- Database Management System For Gate-Self Paced worth Rs.1500
- Complier Design for GATE-Self Paced worth Rs.1500
- Operating System for GATE-Self Paced worth Rs.1500
Track Winning Team (Any one of the listed options will be offered):
- CAT Mock Test Series
- TCS NQT Preparation Test Series
- Advanced Javascript-Self Paced
Planet ‘Digital Ocean’
Prizes up for grabs:
- A total of $2,000 in credits to the winning team(s) - these can be distributed only in sums of $100, $125, and $250, per winning team.
- $100, 60-day free trial for all attendees using this link/scanning the attached QR code: https://try.digitalocean.com/developer-cloud
- This code and promo are only accessible to new customers to DigitalOcean.
- Smart hack = if the winning teams sign up using this link that would mean $100 additional to the winning credits.
Planet ‘Leading Learners’
Prizes up for grabs:
- Leading Learners Expansion Packs (valued at $100USD each) for top 3 teams & track winners of the event.
Now that Cody has given you the secrets to winning the special prizes, you’re good to go! Get aboard your spaceships and fire the engines!